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The COVID-19 crisis produced demanding new health and safety expectations from customers across industries. Is your salon or spa ready to tackle new challenges when you reopen?

Here are two new expectations and how you can exceed them in a post-COVID world with Zenoti:

Your customers will want to avoid contact with commonly touched surfaces. 

Filling out intake or consultation forms on arrival, signing-in via check-in forms, and paying with credit card readers or other POS equipment. Your guests will be wary of all these circumstances post-COVID. 

As you prepare to reopen, don’t just tackle these challenges with quick fixes. Overcome them with lasting solutions by creating opportunities for touchless solutions. Empower your customers to use their mobile devices to interact with your business through a powerful, integrated mobile app – branded to your salon or spa.

  • Send your customers digital forms to fill out in the comfort of their home, before arriving for their appointments. Your customers can avoid touching pens, clipboards, or paper during check-in.
  • Allow your customers to self-check-in through their mobile phone, just by walking through your doors. Meanwhile, your service providers receive instant notification of customers’ arrivals. No need for anyone to touch any common surfaces.
  • Empower customers to check-out with Uber-like convenience – paying, tipping, reviewing, and rebooking from their mobile devices. Your customers avoid contacting commonly touched POS equipment.

Your customers and employees will want to maintain social distancing whenever possible.

Interaction with front-desk employees at check-in and check-out, standing next to fellow guests while waiting in check-in or check-out lines, and standing or sitting next fellow guests in waiting rooms. Your guest will want to avoid all these circumstances post-COVID.

Just like the avoidance of commonly touched surfaces, you can overcome the challenge of maintaining social distancing by enabling your customers – and your employees – to interact with your business through personal mobile devices.

  • Allow your customers to auto-check in, avoiding front desk interaction with front-desk staff and the need to wait in any lines. Arrival alerts to service providers ensure minimal waiting time, reducing time spent with fellow guests.
  • Enable your employees to revise guest invoices to include add-on services or products from their mobile devices, making check-out interaction with front-desk staff unnecessary for guests.
  • Empowering guests to pay, tip, and rebook from their mobile devices ensures they breeze out the door following their service – no waiting in line or interacting with front desk staff.

Zenoti’s touchless experiences empowers your customers to interact with your brand through tools they trust: their mobile devices. Allow customers to automatically check-in when they walk through your doors, and check-out with Uber-like convenience. You avoid unnecessary costs of new equipment, while giving seamlessly easing post COVID anxieties. It’s safety – and improved experiences – through personal technology.

Your customers want to connect with you… digitally.

As you prepare to reopen, it’s important to embrace the power of digital solutions to connect with your customers. Consider connecting with your clients through two-way texting to maintain social distancing during your customers’ check-in process. Here’s what that looks like with Zenoti Connect:

When your customer books their appointment through salon appointment software, they receive a secure automated text message letting them know the check-in instructions you decide are right for your business. To maintain social distancing, you can ask your customers to wait in their car when they arrive for their appointment. A simple, no-cost reply to your text message from the comfort of their car will alert their service provider that they’ve arrived.

When your providers are ready to start the appointment, your front desk staff send an automated message to your customer letting them know it’s time to come in for their appointment. No lingering in waiting areas. And no need to interact with anyone but their service provider.

Global brands like Uber and Amazon made interacting with brands through personal mobile devices an intuitive – and expected – experience. You don’t need to educate your customers on how to interact with your brand through personal technology – they not only know how, and they expect it!

Learn more about how to exceed post-COVID expectations through accessible solutions here.


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Emily Martin
Zenoti Copywriter
A self-confessed bookworm with a passion for languages and weaving together words. Happiest when immersed in nature, either on horseback or skis, or curled up with a good thriller. Emily's writing focuses on sharing trends and insights impacting the beauty and wellness industry.
Cullie Poseria
Senior Product Marketing Manager, Fitness
Coming from a healthcare family, growing up as a competitive athlete, and being trained as a filmmaker, and MBA, Cullie brings diverse experience to her storytelling and digital business-to-business product marketing. Her writing focuses on sharing trends and insights from her experience in software, entertainment, wellness, and fitness.

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