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Communicating business updates – especially reopening plans – sets customer expectations. These updates play an essential role. However, creative approaches may help make your re-opening more successful by strengthening relationships with existing clients and crafting new connections with prospective, future customers.

In the post COVID-19 world, it is imperative that your salon or spa builds a ‘digital bridge’ with your customers that enables you to connect interactively and navigate changes as an industry leader. Connecting meaningfully through online platforms drives more benefits for the businesses as well as customers.

Here are three engaging online strategies to connect with customers now and – by keeping your brand ‘top-of-the-mind’ – drive more guests to your salon or spa when you reopen:

Online video tutorials

People are looking for a way to connect with others during quarantine. Be there for your customers by offering a method of meaningful connection that plays to your strengths: lessons in self-care. 

Create short, interactive “DIY” video tutorials and help your guests take care of themselves -- and brush up on their self-grooming skills. Video tutorials empower the user to learn lasting techniques. With all the credit for their newfound knowledge going to you, you build trust and keep your brand top-of mind.

Leverage YouTube, IGTV, Facebook, and your website to post videos. Depending on your expertise and target audience, possible “How to” ideas include:

  • Mini-facials at home
  • Creating a specific hairstyle
  • Maintaining beard health and length

Live video events on Facebook or Instagram.

Live sessions are a powerful tool to engage with your customers and drive brand visibility. Clients love to interact face-to-face and live online sessions act as an excellent way of connecting with your customers with a personal touch.

Conduct live events on Facebook or Instagram and invite your customers to interact in real-time. 

Answering live customer questions offers a memorable, interactive experience that builds strong relationships. Invite your stylists, estheticians, or therapists to discuss haircare or beauty care tips during the session. You can even invite brand influencers and hold live Q/A sessions on your social media platforms.

Zenoti client Mario Tricoci offers an excellent example for holding virtual events. From post-workout hair to pressure point facial massages, Mario Tricoci leverages Instagram, Facebook to craft meaningful connections.

Exclusive virtual events and consultations through video conferencing

Video conferencing on platforms like Zoom or Skype offer a dynamic and convenient tool to stay connected with customers. Post COVID-19 people will be wary of public gatherings – learn to leverage video conferencing for your salon or spa before you re-open your doors. Organizing video conferences -- whether for 1:1 service consultations or grooming tutorials for small groups – will help your brand reach customers with no additional costs to your business. 

Holding free service consultations via video conferencing while your doors are temporarily closed incentivizes customers to visit when you reopen – after all, they’ve already attended their consultations. Even when you reopen, continuing virtual consultations allows customers to consider your services while maintaining social distancing.

Consider also inviting loyal customers to “special” virtual events. Invite your employees to share their expertise and tips with your attendees. Customers are more likely to attend your virtual event if they know it’s an exclusive invitation – plus, virtual events are a great way to expose new guests to your brand before they physically enter your salon. Your exclusive virtual events build relationships and keep your brand top-of-mind – just in time for your reopening.

Boost attendance to your virtual events by including your vendor partners. Where vendors might have previously hosted events in your salon or spa, vendor representatives can participate in virtual events to elevate the event experience for your guests with additional expertise. As an added bonus, your vendor can help spread the word about your virtual event!

Consider also incentivizing attendance by offering "virtual gift bags" to virtual event participants.  A "virtual gift bag" could include exclusive coupons or vouchers delivered via email campaigns. Guests can redeem their virtual gifts when they come into your salon or spa for their services. Remember: educational and actionable events are more effective and memorable! 

Before you reopen, create an online event to offer customers reassurances by informing them about additional post-COVID precautions they can expect to see when they visit your salon or spa.

Read more about our salon management software

Zenoti offers solutions to make connecting with customers easier – and even more meaningful. Discover more here.


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Emily Martin
Zenoti Copywriter
A self-confessed bookworm with a passion for languages and weaving together words. Happiest when immersed in nature, either on horseback or skis, or curled up with a good thriller. Emily's writing focuses on sharing trends and insights impacting the beauty and wellness industry.
Cullie Poseria
Senior Product Marketing Manager, Fitness
Coming from a healthcare family, growing up as a competitive athlete, and being trained as a filmmaker, and MBA, Cullie brings diverse experience to her storytelling and digital business-to-business product marketing. Her writing focuses on sharing trends and insights from her experience in software, entertainment, wellness, and fitness.

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