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Armed with the knowledge of global warming, pollution, melting icecaps, and ever-increasing global plastic production, a growing number of consumers are weighing up environmental impact as a factor in their purchase decisions. Millennials in particular have been found to be incentivized to buy a product or service from a brand that aligns with their green values.  

Additionally, research shows that 47% of consumers have deliberately avoided buying from a brand that violates their personal values and six in ten would alter their shopping habits if it meant reducing their carbon footprint. The good news is that these consumers are putting their money where their mouth is, with 70% willing to pay up to 35% extra for products or services that are more sustainable.  

Today, on Earth Day 2021, consider just how environmentally friendly the current practices in your salon or spa are. Could they be greener? If yes, we’ve shared seven ideas to inspire you to make a change no matter how small.  

Here’s how beauty & wellness businesses can reduce their environmental impact:  

1. Incentivize Customers

Increase brand loyalty and your salon’s sustainability by introducing recyclable product packaging that customers can return for either a refund, credit or discounted service. This not only encourages guests to bring in their packaging to be reused but keeps them coming back and spending money with your brand.  

2. Invest in Washable over Disposable

We know in a salon or spa hygiene is key. So, one of your highest business expenses is often laundry or disposable products such as cotton wool, towels, and linens. This Earth Day examine whether any of these one-use products could be switched out for greener solutions like washable mitts or biodegradable materials.  

3. Reduce Paper Consumption

In the beauty and wellness industry it’s often necessary to collect personal health information on patients ahead of treatments. But are you still collecting and storing these details on paper? If yes, then switch to digital forms!  

Zenoti digital forms make life easier for you and your guests while also being better for the environment. Since the forms are fully electronic, they can be shared with guests ahead of an appointment to be completed at their leisure. Plus, they are fully HIPAA compliant and stored in a centralized database that can be accessed from anywhere.

Learn more about Healing from COVID-19: Drive Revenue and Increase Guest Loyalty with the At-Home Wellness Trend.

4. Establish Recycling Stations

We've all been there; sat in a waiting room you don’t know looking around trying to locate a recycling bin to discard a cup or food wrapper. When we give up because there’s none in sight, we end up simply throwing it into the trash.  

How obvious and accessible are your spa or salon’s recycling stations currently? Make it easy for guests and employees alike and eliminate unnecessary landfill waste by having clear recycling stations situated in open, well-trafficked locations.  

5. Go Local

When examining the environmental footprint of your salon or spa, consider not just what practices you have in your physical location but also the manufacturing and delivery process of any products or materials you use or sell. For example, if that range of shampoos you’re selling to customers has flown thousands of miles to be able to sit on your shelf, then that’s quite a large footprint. Can any of these products be sourced instead from local businesses? Examine everything that’s being used, from teabags to toilet roll, light bulbs to laundry – can any of these items be sourced more sustainably? Do your partners share the same values as you when it comes to protecting the environment?  

More and more of today’s consumers are motivated to support local, so give them this choice and invest in your local community while decreasing your environmental footprint.  

6. Cut Down Consumption

You're in the business of making your customers feel fabulous and one part of that is often washing hair or scrubbing feet. We get it, that requires water. But have you considered whether you can recycle any of that water? Or if this is not possible, how about cutting down on electricity consumption. Switch out normal light bulbs for their energy-saving counterparts or install sensors that trigger lights and heating only when needed.  

These methods may seem costly in the short-term, but they will likely save you money on your future electricity bill while also being better for the planet. Win win.  

7. Recycle Hair Clippings

Did you know there are many organizations ready and waiting to give hair clippings a new lease of life? One such example is Matter of Trust. This organization recycles hair clippings into mats that are used to soak up oil spills. This is an easy solution for hair salons to prevent all those bags of clippings every single day from becoming another bag on its way to the landfill.  

So, there you have it, how beauty & wellness businesses can reduce their environmental impact in seven steps.  

Interested to learn about other Zenoti solutions that can elevate your salon or spa?

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Emily Martin
Zenoti Copywriter
A self-confessed bookworm with a passion for languages and weaving together words. Happiest when immersed in nature, either on horseback or skis, or curled up with a good thriller. Emily's writing focuses on sharing trends and insights impacting the beauty and wellness industry.
Cullie Poseria
Senior Product Marketing Manager, Fitness
Coming from a healthcare family, growing up as a competitive athlete, and being trained as a filmmaker, and MBA, Cullie brings diverse experience to her storytelling and digital business-to-business product marketing. Her writing focuses on sharing trends and insights from her experience in software, entertainment, wellness, and fitness.

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