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Getting guests back in the service chair is hard enough at the best of times, but COVID is making it even harder to encourage repeat customers.

The good news? The right software provider can make all the difference.  

So, with vaccine rollout underway, now is the perfect time to implement digital solutions that encourage repeat customers, revitalize your business and empower you to come back even stronger.  

Here’s how...

The Facts

Prior to the pandemic, the first-time client retention rate remained low at around 30%. COVID-19 has shaken consumers across the globe, resulting in changes to buying behaviors as individuals do their best to follow health and safety guidelines and overcome damaged incomes. Research shows that 76% of US customers have changed stores, brands or the way they shop since the start of the pandemic and a November 2020 survey indicated that 64% of individuals are not ready to resume “normal” out-of-home activities.  

Invest in Touchless Tech

With health and safety concerns top of mind for businesses and consumers alike, it’s time to think about what solutions you can put in place to alleviate post-COVID anxieties and give customers the confidence to book!  

Encourage repeat customers by implementing technology that eliminates unnecessary touch points and increases safety by enabling guests to check-in/out, auto-pay, book appointments and rate services directly from their personal device. You could also share any necessary digital forms, including COVID health checks, to be completed in advance of the appointment. All these touchless technology capabilities elevate the customer experience by providing a smooth and wait-free process that isn’t reliant on a front desk team.  

Discover how our partners are utilizing touchless technology.

Create Customized Memberships or Packages

Right now, flexibility is key. With the post-COVID world evolving so rapidly, customers need to feel comfortable in the knowledge that they have options when it comes to booking a service. Put your expert knowledge to good use and offer a range of flexible packages that encourage repeat customers and new customers too!  

Perhaps provide a member benefits sharing scheme which enables them to split benefits with friends or family if they can’t attend or freeze the package should COVID complications arise. An alternative option is to provide credits which guests can claim for services when and how they wish.

Get Smart with Your Marketing

Post-COVID it’s even more important to nurture your existing customers and encourage them to return. Smart marketing tools which send personalized messages or offers based on customer behavior can help you do just that. They deliver a highly individualized experience to your customers at every element of their journey, with no extra time investment needed from you or your team. Plus, businesses who have implemented this technology into their marketing strategy have been proven to increase weekly revenue by 8-10%.

It works by automatically sending tailored digital interactions based on service history and unique user details and behaviors to serve relevant content that is meaningful to the specific individual. Being able to reach out at an uber-personalized level will encourage customer loyalty as they feel reassured that you understand and will meet their needs. Meanwhile, you’re free up to focus on more pressing priorities and delivering an elevated (and safe) guest experience.

You can also check out our Marketing Automation Infographic here.

Pick a Partner That Prioritizes You

Overall, COVID-19 has sped up the adoption of technologies that improve productivity and deepen business insights and research shows companies are now three times likelier to conduct at least 80% of their customer interactions digitally.  

So, it’s time to choose a partner that offers the right digital solutions to heal your business from the harm of the pandemic and enable you to come back even stronger.  

Want to stay a cut above the rest? Choose Zenoti.  


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Emily Martin
Zenoti Copywriter
A self-confessed bookworm with a passion for languages and weaving together words. Happiest when immersed in nature, either on horseback or skis, or curled up with a good thriller. Emily's writing focuses on sharing trends and insights impacting the beauty and wellness industry.
Cullie Poseria
Senior Product Marketing Manager, Fitness
Coming from a healthcare family, growing up as a competitive athlete, and being trained as a filmmaker, and MBA, Cullie brings diverse experience to her storytelling and digital business-to-business product marketing. Her writing focuses on sharing trends and insights from her experience in software, entertainment, wellness, and fitness.

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