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Your Zenoti (formerly ManageMySpa) account was upgraded with the latest features on Oct 28th. Find out what’s new in this upgrade.

Webstore & Mobile Apps

Add Shipping Address & Charges For Online Purchases

Visitors selecting shipping method

Allow customers to add a shipping address and calculate shipping cost for online purchases. Shipping charges are calculated based on the shipping method, the delivery address and the products purchased.

The system supports multiple shipping methods and can support international shipping requests.

You can also offer free shipping when a customer reaches a minimum purchase amount. On checkout, the customer is reminded of the offer – which should help you increase online purchase totals.

Encourage buyers to purchase more products with Free Shipping

Automatic Tax Calculations Based On Delivery Address

If you’re shipping products within the US or Canada, the system will pick up the right tax amounts based on the delivery address.

For details on setting this up, contact support.

Centralize Your Online Sales

If you’re a multi-center chain, you’ll need to decide if you want online retail, memberships, series packages and gift card sales to go directly to the corporate office, or to a selected center.If you centralize online sales to the corporate office, accounting for incoming revenue is handled centrally. And reconciliation of revenue on redemptions is made easier. For example, if a customer visits your website to buy a gift card, the corporate office collects the revenue. When this gift card is redeemed at any center, the corporate office can transfer the redeemed amount to that center.Often packages, memberships and gift cards are not fully redeemed, in which case the unused revenue stays with the corporate office.To configure your webstore at the center level, navigate to Admin > Centers > Catalog at the center level and select items that you’d like to sell at each center.

New Pages On Your Webstore

Your webstore now has new pages for services, products, packages, memberships and gift cards. You can customize these pages by displaying banners, new and recommended services or products, day packages and more.To update these pages, ensure you’re in the organization view, navigate to Admin > Organizations > Catalog > Content to Display and choose what you’d like to display on each of these landing pages.

List All Your Services On A Single Page

Most spas and salons offer a variety of treatments, in which case grouping services into categories helps the customer find what they’re looking for.However, if you have a limited number of services, you may want to display all of those services on a single page.

Salon webstore - Listing all services

To enable this feature, ensure you’re in the organization view, navigate to Admin > Organizations > Catalog > Content to Display and select the checkbox “Show all items on clicking tag group”. Make sure you’ve disabled categories and tag groups.

More Control On Navigation Links

Earlier, your webstore had a fixed display – home button, menu bar, search bar, cart and everything else. You could change the colors but the layout was pre-defined.

With our new flexibility, you have a full control on deciding where your navigation links, search bar, etc. are placed. This will help you provide a seamless transition for your customers as they move between your own website pages and the webstore.

New layout - more control in navigation links

Easy Sign Up Process For Your Online Customers

When your customers visit your webstore (ecommerce website) for the first time, they’ll have to sign up to make a purchase. For an easy sign up process, you can make fields like mobile number and gender optional.

To make phone number optional on the sign up form, ensure you’re in the organization view, navigate to Admin > Organizations > Settings > Guests and select the checkbox “Mobile number is not mandatory”. This will make the phone number field optional in your appointment book too.

To make the gender field optional, ensure you’re in the organization view, navigate to Admin > Organizations > Catalog > Content to Display and select the checkbox “Show gender in webstore”.

Collect More Data With Registration Forms

In our September upgrade, we added the ability to send registration forms to a guest before their appointment. You could customize these forms by adding custom fields to a set of standard fields.

We’ve now added more standard fields like birthday, address, referral source and more. You can still add your own custom fields, for example, to collect detailed information on the guest’s medical history, nutrition habits, allergies, etc...

Implement Your Cancellation Policies More Efficiently

Preventing late cancellations and no-shows is easier when you've defined clear policies for such cases. And to implement policies that involve charging customers for not showing up for an appointment or cancelling the appointment at the last moment, you'll need to collect their credit card details before the appointment. Our new upgrade allows you to make it compulsory for your customers to provide their credit card details before booking their appointment. The system securely stores this information and allows you to apply the penalty charges when required. To enforce your customers to submit their credit card information before booking the appointment, ensure you're in the organization view, navigate to Admin > Organizations > Settings > Appointment Book and select the radio button "Block if not on file" for "Require Credit Card For Appointment Booking". You can also select "Warn if not on file" to allow your customers to book appointments but warn your front desk if they do not submit their card details. This will remind your front desk staff to get this information while confirming their appointments on the phone.

Appointment Book & POS

Improved Prescriptions

Do more with prescriptions and prescription sets.

  • Assign prescriptions to a doctor. The front desk can assign prescriptions to the doctor in-charge.
  • Get an electronic signature from the doctor. After reviewing the prescription, the doctor can sign it with an electronic signature.
  • Lock prescriptions after signing. After a doctor signs the prescription, it is locked by the system. A prescription cannot be modified after it is locked.

The front desk can create prescriptions from existing prescriptions sets in the system and assign a doctor. The doctor will get notified through an email or a text message.

Assign prescription to a doctor

The doctor can open up the Prescription Report from the appointment book, filter prescriptions assigned to him that are not yet signed and sign them after reviewing. To sign a prescription, the doctor will have to confirm his signature with valid credentials.

Opening up the prescription report

To enable signing of prescriptions, ensure you’re at the center level and navigate to Admin > Centers > Settings > General and select the check box “Enable Prescription Signing”. Make sure you’ve enabled prescriptions at both center and organization levels for your organization.

You’ll have to define which doctors are allowed to sign prescriptions. To allow a doctor to sign a prescription, go to the Employee module at the center level and click on the Employees link in the left column. Select the employee or the doctor and select the checkbox “Allow Prescription Signing” in the General tab.

Print Prescriptions In A Standard Format

The standard prescription format has been updated to include information like the doctors’ DEA registration number, State License Number, shipping & billing addresses and instructions.

Print prescriptions in a standard format

To change the format of the prescription, ensure you’re in the organization view, navigate to Admin > Organizations > Email/Texts and click on the Edit link for the “Standard Prescription” template.

Email Prescriptions To Your Patients

If you’re going paperless, you can email prescriptions. Once the assigned doctor signs the prescription, the front desk can email it to the patient.

To send the prescription, click on the appointment block for the patient and select “Enter Prescription Data”. If the prescription is locked, you can click on the “Send Mail” button to email the prescription to the patient.

Restrict Guest Search Across All Centers

Prevent giving a center access to other center’s customer database. You can now disable the ability for front desk to search for clients at other centers in the organization. The search will be limited to only customers that have visited their own center. (Note that this limits the ability for a center to provide a seamless experience to customers that have visited another center.)

To restrict guest search for a center, ensure you’re in the center view, navigate to Admin > Centers > Settings > Appointment Book and uncheck the checkbox “Enable guest search across centers”.

To restrict guest search across all your centers, ensure you’re in the organization view, navigate to Admin > Organization > Settings > Appointment Book and uncheck the checkbox “Search for guests across centers”.

More Guest Details At The Click Of A Button

In our previous update, we added a faster method to access and print a guest’s service history and treatment data. Now, you also have quick access to details like their registration data and product purchase history.

Print guest data - more guest details in a single click


Calculate Commissions After Deducting Costs

Often, services will include expensive products. For example, a service priced at $100 might use $20 worth of products. You may want to award commission on the service price after the product cost has been deducted. So, the commission would be calculated for a service value of $80, rather than the full $100 price.

This feature enables you to identify other costs as part of a service that you may wish to deduct for commission calculations.

To set up this new commission structure, ensure you’re in the organization view, navigate to Admin > Organization > Settings > Employee and select the checkbox “Deduct internal costs for employee commissions”.


Easily Identify Appointments For Which Prescriptions Are Not Created

If you need to look up whether a prescription was created for an appointment, you can view this from the Guest’s profile.

In the Appointments tab of the guest profile, you will see one of two icons:

Open prescription icon

Indicates that this guest was not given a prescription for this appointment. Click on the icon to create a prescription.

Open prescription icon

Indicates that this guest was given a prescription for this appointment. Click on the icon to see the prescription.


Enhanced Always On Campaigns™

Always On Campaigns™ allows you to set up automated marketing. With this upgrade, you can also have the system create a new sales opportunity when a communication is triggered.

For example, if you are using Always On Campaigns™ to send out a membership renewal email 30 days before the membership expires, the system will also create a sales opportunity and assign an owner. This ensures that someone follows-up on the membership renewal, in addition to sending out the email message.


Assign A Center For Any New Opportunity

If you have multiple centers in your organization, you can assign a sales opportunity to a different center. For example, if a guest calls you New York center, but actually needs follow-up from your New Jersey center, you can create that sales opportunity for the other center.

To change the center for an opportunity, ensure you’re at the center level, navigate to Sales > Opportunities > General and change the center from the drop-down.

When you change the center for an opportunity, the system will ask you if you also want to move the guest to the selected center. You can click on Cancel if you want to move only the opportunity to that center.


New Reports

We’ve added two new reports in your Daily Reports – Daily Financial Summary and Monthly Financial Summary.These reports consist of detailed summary of all your financial transactions for the day or the month.

Daily financial summary

To access these reports, click on the Daily Reports link in the Admin page of a center and select these reports from the drop down menu.

To learn more about this upgrade, contact support.


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Emily Martin
Zenoti Copywriter
A self-confessed bookworm with a passion for languages and weaving together words. Happiest when immersed in nature, either on horseback or skis, or curled up with a good thriller. Emily's writing focuses on sharing trends and insights impacting the beauty and wellness industry.
Cullie Poseria
Senior Product Marketing Manager, Fitness
Coming from a healthcare family, growing up as a competitive athlete, and being trained as a filmmaker, and MBA, Cullie brings diverse experience to her storytelling and digital business-to-business product marketing. Her writing focuses on sharing trends and insights from her experience in software, entertainment, wellness, and fitness.

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