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Documentation is a critical component in guest care. Having access to clear information at every step of the guest experience, improves the quality of the treatment the therapist can provide and the guest’s experience. Zenoti's salon management software makes it easy for spas, skin clinics and other medical spas to digitally document a guest’s treatment progress using SOAP notes. SOAP is an acronym for Subjective, Objective, Assessment and Plan, a format that ensures service providers systematically capture guest notes during the course of a treatment. A SOAP form for a massage treatment might look like the following:

Screenshot of a SOAP form for a massage treatment

Using Forms To Capture SOAP Notes

With Zenoti's medical spa software, you can capture notes along with every treatment. In some cases, you might want to setup a single form, which allows for a series of SOAP notes to be captured. For example, if your spa offers only massages, then you can use a single form with multiple entries available in the same form. If you offer a variety of treatments, you might create a separate form for each treatment. For example, if you are a skin clinic that offers laser hair removal, chemical peels and botox, you would create an intake form that captures the guest’s medical history and a different form for each treatment.

Screenshot of setting up forms for salon with custom feeds

Lookup Past Visit History Treatment Data

Your service providers have quick access to past treatment data through a tablet or smartphone. You can look up the guest’s medical history, notes made by therapists from previous visits to personalize the experience. Track progress against goals for treatments such as weight-loss. Check about our employee task management software here.

Mobile Support for SOAP Notes

Therapists can enter and access notes directly into a tablet, in a smartphone or computer.

Gif showing easy accessibility of notes directly into a tablet or smartphone

Annotate Images

You can use generic images, or capture and store photos of the guest directly from your tablet or smart phone - either way, Zenoti's spa management software allows you to annotate images and store notes.

Screenshot showing annotation of images and store notes

Take a picture, mark it up and add comments and save with guest profile. Use this feature to store before and after pictures.

Screenshot of adding comments to a picture and saving with guest profile

Save Versions: Save versions of notes to track changes. This is useful if you need to track progress through a treatment course. Versioning captures who made the change as well as why a change was made.

Read more about 5 Ways Mobile Apps Build a Better Customer Experience for Salon and Spa Guests

Why Go Digital?

This completely paperless documentation process offers a number of benefits. For multi-location chains, any spa can access a guest’s notes. Front desk saves time storing and accessing files, the spa saves on storage space and digital forms are never misplaced or lost. Dermal Laser, a leading Canada based medi-spa digitized client records with Zenoti and saved hours. Read the entire case study here - Dermal Laser Gets ‘Peace Of Mind’ With Software Zenoti also ensures that guest data is private with the ability to ensure only qualified staff can access and edit notes.

Are you a Zenoti client and interested in going digital with your treatment forms? Contact us at If you’re a spa or medical spa interested in taking your SOAP notes digital, let us show you Zenoti in action. Contact us at

Also check: Details about our spa marketing tool here.


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Emily Martin
Zenoti Copywriter
A self-confessed bookworm with a passion for languages and weaving together words. Happiest when immersed in nature, either on horseback or skis, or curled up with a good thriller. Emily's writing focuses on sharing trends and insights impacting the beauty and wellness industry.
Cullie Poseria
Senior Product Marketing Manager, Fitness
Coming from a healthcare family, growing up as a competitive athlete, and being trained as a filmmaker, and MBA, Cullie brings diverse experience to her storytelling and digital business-to-business product marketing. Her writing focuses on sharing trends and insights from her experience in software, entertainment, wellness, and fitness.

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