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While we're shut down and stuck in our homes during this crazy time, we all feel thankful for any window into the outside world - including social media! Not only does social media allow us to stay entertained by our favorite creators and brands, but it also fosters unique human connections through the internet. You don't feel as alone when you can start an Instagram Live and instantly connect with dozens of family and friends. 

Social media offers an important opportunity for you to foster personalized connections not just with your family, but with your customers - especially during COVID-19. If you're a business owner in the beauty and wellness industry right now, you're probably feeling the stress of not seeing your loyal clients on a day-to-day basis. How do you remind your customers why they love your brand so much when they're not physically experiencing your services? Social media can help you with that. 

Here are a few ways that your spa or salon can engage your customers through social media while your stores close temporarily:

1. Provide your customers with what they love and expect from you

If you could write down a list of things that your customers love about your brand, what would be on it? Maybe "our creativity and boldness," or "the relaxed and beautiful environment in our stores," or "the quality of our treatments." 

Take that list and use it as inspiration to create social media content. If you answered "high-quality products or treatments," you could create a simple iPhone video series for Facebook or Instagram of how to make easy, quality face masks from home to tide them over until they can come to see you again. Maybe you answered, "our creativity" or "our kind and compassionate staff." Post beautiful images of your favorite cuts and colors, or do a weekly Instagram story with service providers talking about their at-home beauty regimens. 

Business owners often worry about producing social media content as though it needs to be highly complex and utterly perfect to reflect well on their brand. That's not good social media content. The best social media content comes from a sincere effort to know and love your audience, and produce what makes them happy. It's that simple!

Also read: social media tips for salons

2. Showcase your talent front and center

 What's the main reason people go to have their hair professionally colored or to get a professional massage? Most likely, your service providers do a *much better* job than they could at home. Let your talent be the shining star of your social media show. 

 One of the best ways to do this is to encourage your stylists, massage therapists, or estheticians to start building their own social media presence to showcase the incredible work that they do. When they post tutorials on how to create the perfect natural makeup look for at-home Zoom meetings or use an Instagram post to talk about their skincare routine, it allows you to share content from the experts that your customers love and respect. 

How do you get started on this? Set up a time to talk to your providers about this idea. Explain that they're the creative experts that your clients look to for inspiration during this time of separation. It gives them the opportunity to hone their craft, be creative from home while exciting your clients about the prospect of reuniting with their favorite service provider once this is all over.

3. Boost your revenue (and make it fun)

While your stores are closed, online or digital sales are your best friend. Social media is a great way to make promotions fun and engaging for your customers. 

The first step is to think about why customers love your brand. This will help you determine the best ways to engage them with promotions through social media. 

Do your customers love the wide selection of products that you offer? Put together a social media contest where every customer that follows you on Instagram during the week enters a contest to win some of your top-selling products. On the day when you announce the winner, add a promotional sale on these products to encourage others to join in on the fun. 

If you're a spa, maybe your clients love the calm, beautiful atmosphere that you have cultivated in your stores. Do a series of themed Instagram or Facebook tutorials on how to make your home zen, and offer promotions on home treatments that can enrich the experience. 

Opportunities like this allow you to talk more about your strengths as a business while making it fun for your clients to participate, and in turn, want to support you! It’s an important way to drive revenue to your business despite the COVID-19 crisis.

Building customer connections through social media is more important than ever, and it's a great vehicle to keep reminding your loyal clients why they come through your doors regularly. Your customers love your brand, and they want to hear from you during this time. If you build your social media strategy around knowing and loving your clients - they will be more than eager to be back once your doors open again. 

Learn more about how to navigate your salon, spa, or medspa through the COVID-19 crisis on Zenoti's comprehensive resource center here.


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Emily Martin
Zenoti Copywriter
A self-confessed bookworm with a passion for languages and weaving together words. Happiest when immersed in nature, either on horseback or skis, or curled up with a good thriller. Emily's writing focuses on sharing trends and insights impacting the beauty and wellness industry.
Cullie Poseria
Senior Product Marketing Manager, Fitness
Coming from a healthcare family, growing up as a competitive athlete, and being trained as a filmmaker, and MBA, Cullie brings diverse experience to her storytelling and digital business-to-business product marketing. Her writing focuses on sharing trends and insights from her experience in software, entertainment, wellness, and fitness.

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