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Zenoti COVID-19 Resource Center        

To our customers and friends,

I wanted to follow-up on my note from earlier this week and share with you a new COVID-19 resource center that we’ve established to help those we work within our great industry.

I’ve run a spa and salon business before, and I have a deep passion for making guests feel good about themselves so they can go into the world and do great things. That’s why I’m so committed to ensuring that our company and our employees are doing all that we can to help others through this difficult time.

To that end, we have established a Zenoti COVID-19 resource center, which is linked here and accessible from the home page. This resource center is loaded with actionable information which includes:

  • A heat map which shows the ongoing impacts and changes to business conditions most impacted by the virus in the US. This data is based on aggregated data across all Zenoti customers, stores, and locations. We believe this will help you monitor the state of the industry and give you a sense of where things stand and when things will start to pick up again - the data here will get auto-refreshed from the Zenoti system every day
  • Quick links to access common Zenoti product features and processes that your business may benefit from as you change service hours, temporarily close centers and locations, and work with vendors and suppliers
  • Common templates including predefined email and communication templates that your business can use today to communicate with your customers, vendors, and suppliers
  • Health links and resources regarding the virus and community measures
  • Additional resources, blogs, social postings, and industry updates that can help keep you informed about the ongoing crisis

We will be holding a webinar for all of our customers on Driving Cash Flow and Revenue for your Business (and Your Team) During the COVID-19 Crisis

Monday, March 23rd, at 12 NOON pacific time. The webinar is free to attend and registration takes just a minute. The session is focused on tips and ideas we have already implemented at other leading salons and spas to help them navigate through these trying times. I assure you it will be a very good investment of yours and your team's time. We hope you will be able to join us as we share our insights and experience to help you and your business right now.

We will continue to update this resource center as the crisis continues and ensure that we are in touch with you and supporting you in several practical ways in the upcoming weeks. Please feel free to share this information within your business and your network--we want everyone to access this information to help in any way possible.

Warm Regards,
Sudheer Koneru
CEO, Zenoti                          

Zenoti is here to help

COVID-19-blog-image-Zenoti is here to help

Dear Friend,

We know this is a trying time for our industry and for your business. The worldwide spread of COVID-19 has created an emergency that is unprecedented in recent memory. While governments are doing what they can, it is now widely accepted that containment of this virus also requires a new term we’ve all learned in the last week--“social distancing”--at a community level, which means that many people are staying at home and avoiding all social contact with others. 

We understand that this is especially challenging for all our customers as we are in the beauty & wellness industry. The services you provide are physical and personal. Your business is one of the few spaces in which people allow you to come into their personal space and actually touch them. Some of our customers are reducing hours, while others, unfortunately, have had to temporarily shut down a few outlets due to local restrictions.

All of us at Zenoti are committed to doing what we can to help you, and our industry, navigate through these difficult days. To that end, our team has put together a help guide that can assist you and your team with managing tasks directly in your Zenoti system during this time, whether it’s updating appointments, closing centers, extending memberships, or handling vendor shipments.

I’m attaching this guide here for your use. And while not every scenario may be applicable to you, my hope is that you’ll be able to leverage our experience and knowledge and use this guide to generate tasks, ideas, and projects that will help you sustain your business in the coming weeks.

Please know that this is only the beginning. In the coming days we will be posting additional materials, providing you with templates, training materials, and sharing data from across our network which will help you and your team manage through these circumstances. 

These are just some of the things that we are working on, but if there is any other area you would like our support, please feel free to reach out to me. We see ourselves as your partners, and are here to stand with you every step of the way.

Warm Regards
Sudheer Koneru
CEO, Zenoti

Protecting health--our coronavirus response

COVID-Response - Protecting health

To our Zenoti community:

We frequently talk at Zenoti about what it means to feel good--your sense  of health, well being, self-esteem, and purpose. This idea is more than a  simple slogan on our website; it is fundamental to who we are and our purpose as an organization.

As you might know, many of our corporate functions are based in our office outside Seattle, WA. This area has been hit particularly hard by the coronavirus with more cases and, unfortunately, more deaths than any other state in the country. We have been closely following the federal and local health officials’ recommended actions and policies to limit the spread of this virus and the disease it causes. One such action is called, “social distancing.”

Although none of our employees are exhibiting signs of illness, we have had our Seattle employees working virtually from home since Friday of last week. So based on our philosophy of health, wellness, and well being, we are asking our employees to do their jobs from home rather than traveling around the city where they might unwittingly transmit the virus.

Many of you have inquired about the status of our Innovate User Conference, scheduled for September 14th here in Seattle. We were prepared to launch the conference and all the detailed planning around confirmed speakers are in place. However we have decided to wait on launching this event until we have a better sense of the situation in a few weeks.

Please know that we will provide the same levels of service and support that you’ve come to expect from Zenoti over the years. We are available online, by phone, through our website and email. Our other offices around the globe are open for business as usual. We will continue to meet all service-level agreements for support, business reviews, and visits. As an organization we have built a strong infrastructure that allows our teams to work virtually. We have seen no challenges so far in our Seattle office working virtually over the last week.

If  you have any questions about our response or would like to speak to me personally, please know that we are here to continue to support your business through this uncertain time.

Sudheer Koneru
CEO, Zenoti


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Emily Martin
Zenoti Copywriter
A self-confessed bookworm with a passion for languages and weaving together words. Happiest when immersed in nature, either on horseback or skis, or curled up with a good thriller. Emily's writing focuses on sharing trends and insights impacting the beauty and wellness industry.
Cullie Poseria
Senior Product Marketing Manager, Fitness
Coming from a healthcare family, growing up as a competitive athlete, and being trained as a filmmaker, and MBA, Cullie brings diverse experience to her storytelling and digital business-to-business product marketing. Her writing focuses on sharing trends and insights from her experience in software, entertainment, wellness, and fitness.

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